Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Yes, I know, Christians are suppose to watch the anger thing.  However, there comes a time where a little righteous anger is called for.  Mayor Bloomberg of New York City has crossed the line in two of the most absurd and irresponsible decisions ever made by a public official.  Here we are approaching the ceremony for the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and not only has he not allowed first responders to participate but all clergy have been barred as well.  This is the same mayor who is sanctioning the building of a mosque next to ground zero.  The outrage can't even be explained by his secular viewpoint.

Friday, July 29, 2011


The disgusting season of political pandering has begun.  Candidates are practicing their spin (PC for lies) to convince voters that they have the solutions for solving all our problems, both real and imagined.  I keep thinking this whole process must make God sad indeed.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


OK, you think Christians are whacked out zealots who live in fantasy land.  You can't see God or, in your mind, the things Christians say he has done.  You think Jesus probably was a nice well meaning prophet.  You only believe in what is here and what you can see.  The thought of an afterlife, is just another fantasy to you. When you die that's it, you just become worm food.  You consider yourself among the fact based thinkers of today  who's lives revolve around social networking.  Well, good luck with that. So where do you go when your world starts to fall apart?

Monday, June 20, 2011


Let's look a the pastor shuffle.  It's kind of a pastor whack-a-mole game played by some denominations.  A church has a problem with a pastor or the powers that be think a pastor has been at a church long enough.  Whack! That pastor is shuffled to another congregation and a new one pops up on the doorstep of your church. Has a problem been solved or just passed on to another congregation?  Have you lost a pastor that seemed like family just because the hierarchy feels the need to solve a problem someplace else by moving your pastor to solve another churches problems? Should pastors be uprooted and moved just because they have served a congregation a specific number of years?

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Shut up and pray, it's important!  Prayer is our most important link to God so don't take it lightly.  But, for a change, stop jabbering at God with all your wants, sorrows and thanks, and let him get A word in now and then.  Chill out a little and just relax and let God speak to you.  You might be surprised at the inner peace contemplative prayer can bring to you.

Friday, June 3, 2011


It's one of those words pastors sometimes are reluctant to use in front of their congregation.  The casual dropping of the dreaded T-Bomb during a sermon can result in an audible gasp.  Most likely, you will observe many all of a sudden looking down at their feet and squirming a bit in their seats, wishing they were someplace else.  Yes, when the word TITHING is whipped on a congregation there is a degree of visible discomfort observed. Some brave pastor has touched the third rail of Christianity by dropping the equivalent of a verbal stink bomb in the sanctuary.  I guess it triggers our inborn fight or flight reaction to some degree.

Friday, May 27, 2011


It's the end of a good Sunday service and I'm feeling like my spiritual batteries have been recharged.  The pastor extends the invitation for all to join in the fellowship hall for the monthly,"Pot Luck" lunch.  Ah! Time to play indigestion roulette again.  I start the journey down the hall, knowing "IT" will be in there.  You know what I'm talking about.  It's the dreaded "HOT DISH"! 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Has anyone seen "Someone"?

Last year I had the opportunity to lead the worship service while our pastor was away.  I think he used what must be a term used in the pastor trade.  He needed, "Pulpit filler".  Kind of seemed like terminology I heard used in the Army.  When there was a need you might hear your favorite NCO say, "I need a warm body!".  This meant there was a task to be done and the qualifications were that you were alive.  Also, the term "cannon fodder" came to mind.  Anyway, here was my chance to whip some guilt on the congregation.  Pastors shy away from the guilt thing sometimes but I had nothing to lose.  I started by asking the congregation a question.  "Maybe you can help me.  I've been looking all over the place for a member of our congregation that people keep asking for.  The  members name is apparently, 'Someone'.  It would seem this member is very popular and able to multi-task.  People keep coming to me with concerns, projects and suggestions.  The conversation always begins with, 'Someone' should do this or that project.  'Someone' should tell the pastor something.  'Someone' should start this program. 'Someone' should do something about...................etc."  I went on to explain that when I give the person a questioning look and ask if in fact they might be, "Someone", the response is usually "Oh!  I didn't mean me!  About this time I noticed some uncomfortable squirming going on in the pews.  Maybe a guilt seed was starting to take root?

Thursday, May 19, 2011


We are at a point where Christian beliefs and values are considered fair game for ridicule and criticism from many elements of the secular world.  Much of this trend is agenda driven by the poisonous drivel that is political correctness and socialist ideology. Unfortunately, in many cases instead of confronting the secular world and and it's progressive effort to neutralize faith there seems to be a good deal of apathy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blast Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I can't do that!  No way! I've never done THAT before!  Oh, I'm not smart enough to handle that project.  I've never gone to that area before.  I can't speak in front of an audience. Horsehockey!
What you "can't" do is crawl out of that restrictive comfort zone you have built for yourself.  This warm fuzzy little place is safe but if you step out of it you might be what?  Embarrassed?  You might fail? Yes, we don't have to worry, quite as much, in life if we don't do anything that we might not succeed at.  How very safe, but dull and unrewarding life can be if we stay within that safe little womb we call our comfort zone.