Friday, June 3, 2011
It's one of those words pastors sometimes are reluctant to use in front of their congregation. The casual dropping of the dreaded T-Bomb during a sermon can result in an audible gasp. Most likely, you will observe many all of a sudden looking down at their feet and squirming a bit in their seats, wishing they were someplace else. Yes, when the word TITHING is whipped on a congregation there is a degree of visible discomfort observed. Some brave pastor has touched the third rail of Christianity by dropping the equivalent of a verbal stink bomb in the sanctuary. I guess it triggers our inborn fight or flight reaction to some degree.
It's unfortunate that the word tithing makes so many people uncomfortable. I have to believe it is a combination of guilt and misunderstanding. I confess, I have not always welcomed the idea of tithing into my heart with opened arms.
The thing is, it causes guilt feelings because people know very well the Bible tells us we should be tithing. In Leviticus 27:30 we are told, "A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord". That seems reasonable to most people. However the sticking point that causes the inner discomfort seems to be the amount of 10%. For some reason, the amount seems to get into the burden category. I hear the response, "I can't do that, I have bills!" So where does the 10% figure come from? Again in Leviticus 27:32 we are told, "The entire tithe of the herd and flock-every tenth animal that passes under the shepherds rod-will be holy to the Lord". In verse 34 it goes on to say, "These are the commands the Lord gave Moses on Mount Sinai for the Israelites".
This also is where we get into the reaping and sowing thing. This is a key element of tithing and it is to be done cheerfully. A good example is Proverbs 11:24 where we are told, "One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. This is a real test for us sometimes. There's a big stack of bills on the table and I'm supposed to still cheerfully give 10%?
Here's where the faith and trust in the Lord comes in. Remember the poor widow in Mark 12:41-44? She gave just two small copper coins, but it was all she had to live on. Jesus used this for an example of faith for his disciples. Telling them it's no big thing for a rich person to give more because they had wealth to give but the poor widow gave everything she had.
While tithing 10% at first seems unrealistic, I think you will be amazed at the results. Keep in mind too, God provides this money for us in the first place. Time after time when talking to people that tithe, I get a similar response. Even when it seemed uncomfortable because they had other expenses facing them, they tithed. Guess what? They were still blessed with more! It works! God does provide for us when we are cheerful givers. We are guided in this decision in
2 Corinthians 9:7-8 where we are told, "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, you will abound in every good work.
I can tell you from personal experience, when I've been a little nervous about tithing but did it anyway, the Lord has always provided. Just try it and see what happens. After all, God tells us you will be blessed with more. So, what's the problem? Don't be afraid of the "T" word. The rewards are amazing.
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